The History of the Believers Conference on Evangelism (B.C.O.E.)
On April 19, 2010, Rev. Dr. J. Edward Wilkins, Senior Pastor of New Life Community Missionary Baptist Church, Fayetteville, Georgia was led by the Holy Spirit to establish the Believers Conference on Evangelism at Greater Elizabeth Missionary Baptist Church, Atlanta, Georgia where the Rev. Dr. J. E. Hightower was Senior Pastor. Rev. Dr. J. E. Hightower offered to host the first Annual Conference at Greater Elizabeth Missionary Baptist Church. He also made the same offer for the 2011 Annual Conference.
The mission of the B.C.O.E. is to renew the called pastors and ministers’ passion for soul winning; and to provide teaching and preaching instruction to the complete body of Christians. The conference’s practical lessons and messages will enable the contemporary disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ to become” Kingdom Disciples”, who are active witnesses for the cause of Christ. The following pastors and ministers embraced the call to obey the Great Commission which is founded in Matthew 28:19-20; also believed the promise of Holy Ghost power which is declared in Acts 1:8. Some of the attendees were Rev. Dr. J. Edward Wilkins; Rev. Dr. J. E. Hightower; Rev. Dr. Eldridge L. Lee; Rev. Dr. Robert Montgomery; Rev. Dr. Robert L. Carter; Rev. Larry White; Rev. Anthony Shaw; Rev. Willie F. Renfroe; the late Rev. Jack Mark; the late Rev. Dr. Gerald Richardson; Rev. John W. Blow; Rev. Dr. R. Earl Brown; Rev. Kenneth Bryant Sr.; Rev. Willie Reese; Rev. Tommy Mitchell; Rev. Charles Murdaugh; Rev. Casey Holmes Jr.; Rev. Dr. H. J. Bridgewater; and Rev. Dr. Louis Wilson.
The 2010 B.C.O.E. Conference was held June 6 – 12, 2010. Morning and evening sessions provided to attendees with instruction, inspiration, and rekindled energy to go into the assigned inner-city communities each day of the conference. Many in the Atlanta communities experienced the love of Christ, and when the good news of God’s grace was presented to them they accepted the free gift of eternal life. A Scholarship Banquet was given to honor and recognize three great pastors and leaders; the Reverend Doctor J.E. Hightower, Atlanta, GA; the late Reverend Doctor A. L Neal, Jacksonville, Fla.; and the late Rev. Doctor R. B. Martin, Montgomery, Al. The 2010 B.C.O.E. concluded with a celebration in Perkerson Recreation Park- City of Atlanta with the focus on Youth Evangelism!
The 2011 B.C.O. E. Conference on Evangelism continue what had taken placed the previous year, with the focus of building an army to do soul winning ministry for the cause of Christ. The 2011 B.C.O.E. convened for a second year at Greater Elizabeth Missionary Baptist Church, June 6 -10, 2011.
It was during this second year of obeying the Great Commission other pastors and minsters participated in preparing the believers to go into the harvest for their Lord. These men were Rev. Mark Swain; Rev. James Mitchell; Rev. Kenneth Walker; Rev. Brian Ray; Rev. Dr. Robert W. Crummie (President, Carver Bible College- Carver College, Atlanta, GA); Rev. Dr. Clayton Taylor (President C.E. G.M.B.C. of GA.). The highlight of the 2011 Conference was the three afternoon of practical outreach in the inner-city where many gladly accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior.
The 2012 B.C.O.E. implemented quarterly Evangelistic Services throughout the Metro-Atlanta communities. These inspiring services were designed to encourage other Christians to come and get involved in the greatest task and joy of the church of Christ, Evangelism! Committees were created to provide structure and shared responsibility to further the effectiveness of the conference. The Committees and its leadership were Rev. Dr. J. Edward Wilkins – General Chairman; Rev. Dr. Eldridge Lee – Education Coordinator; Rev. Charles Murdaugh – Treasurer; Bro. Ivan Sutherland – Finance Secretary; Sis. Andresia W. Johnson – Recording/Correspondent Secretary; Rev. Dr. Gerald Richardson – Evangelism Outreach Chairman; Rev. Willie F. Renfroe – Souvenir Chairman; Rev. Kenneth Bryant Sr. – Program Chairman; Minister Audrey Mowdy – Youth Coordinator; Bro. Darryl Moore – Youth Coordinator; Rev. Brian Ray – Registration/Publicity Coordinator. The 2012 B.C.O.E. Annual Conference was schedule to be held at Beulah Heights University, however, the University was not able to accommodate the Conference, and unfortunately there was not enough time to find other facilities to have it. Therefore, the 2012 Conference was cancelled. Nevertheless, evangelistic outreach was done in the Fayetteville, Georgia area, where many heard the Good News that Jesus love them and wants to be the Lord and Savior of their lives. Many were added to the Kingdom of God! The B.C.O.E was blessed to be recognized as an Exempt 501 © (3) Organization by the Internal Revenue Services on March 30, 2012. To God be the glory!!
The 2013 B.C.O.E. meet at New Life Community Missionary Baptist Church, Fayetteville, Georgia, where Rev. Dr. J. Edward Wilkins is Senior Pastor. The theme was “Each One Can Reach One for Christ” John 1:41-42. It was during this season of evangelism that the Lord added more laborers to his’ harvest. The conference was blessed to have Rev. William Johnson, Jr. of (Four Corners Evangelism); Rev. BaSean A. Jackson; Rev. Richard White; Rev. Larry D. Williams. Communities in North Fayette and North Jonesboro Georgia were evangelized and many gave their lives to Christ!
The 2014 -2016 B.C.O.E. were blessed with open arms to use the great facilities of Fayette Christian School, Fayetteville, Georgia. Rev. Ronald and Frist Lady Latoya Freeman were Owners and Pastor of Purpose 360 Church (Former Center of Faith Church). It was at this facility that the B.C.O.E. added two major events to the Conference.
The Preaching-A-Thon where twenty-four pastors and ministers preach 20 minutes messages on evangelism. This was an all-day event that took place on a Saturday. It was move to a Friday night event with twelve pastors and ministers preaching 15 minutes messages on evangelism. The morning and evening teaching and preaching sessions were available to old and new believers in Christ. Other great declarers of the gospel provided their gift to enhance the Great Commission. There were men like Rev. Dr. Michael F. Petty, Ph.D. (Mighty in Scripture Bible Association); Rev. Dr. Thomas L. Francis J (Professor: United Theology Seminary College); Rev. Dr. Keith Fordham (Keith Fordham Evangelistic Association); Rev. Craig Johnson; Rev. Frank Babies; Rev. Jimmy James; Rev. Willie Fields; Rev. Ricky Jones; Rev. Kurt Lee; Rev. Christopher Taylor; Rev. Kenneth Bryant II; Rev. Jerome Council; Apostle John Davis; Rev. Antonio A. Wyartt; Minister Donnella B. Crawford; Rev. Dr. E. L. Jones; Rev. Lee Barnes; Rev. James Whitehead; Minister Pearley Renfroe Also, the B.C.O.E. Youth Explosion was created to minister to the young people with ministries that were designed to reach them on their level. This strategic approach allowed the youth to identify with the method and message. For the praise and wordship period, there were varieties of worship music, traditional, praise, gospel (Holy Hip Hop); panel discussions; and inspirational speakers, where the gospel of Jesus Christ was preached and offered to the unsaved youths. In 2015, the B.C.O.E. Border members were General Chairman – Rev. Dr. J. Edward Wilkins; Co-Chairman – Rev. Willie Renfroe; Co-Chairman – Rev. Ronald Freeman; Treasurer – Rev. Frank Babies; Financial Secretary – Deacon Ivan Sutherland; Recording Secretary – Sis. Andresia W. Johnson; Assist. To General Chairman – Sis. Shirley W. Wheat; Assist. Recording Secretary – Sis. Karen Wilkins-Adams; Publicity Chairperson – Sis. Brenda P. Wilkins; Assist. Publicity Chairperson – Sis. Brenda Richardson; Finance Committee – Deacon Bobby Washington; Outreach Committee – Rev. Richard White; Outreach Committee – Rev. Anthony Shaw; Youth Explosion Committee – Bro. Darryl Moore; Youth Explosion – Minister Audrey Mowdy; Youth Coordinator – Sis. Leandra N. Johnson; IT Coordinator – Rev. Jerome Council; Music Coordinator – Sis. Tracye Power; Music Coordinator – Rev. Larry D. Williams
After the 2016 B.C.O.E., General Chairman Rev. Dr. J. Edward Wilkins shared with the board that the Spirit of God impressed upon his heart to have the B.C.O.E. in other cities, Luke 4:43. He presented six cities to the board for prayer and consideration. The board received the list of cities and voted unanimously, that the conference would convene in Montgomery, Alabama in 2017, and would have the Spirit guide us to the cities of his’s choice. The door was open to have the 2017 B.C.O.E. and Youth Explosion at Success Unlimited Academy, Montgomery, Alabama, where Mr. Butch Speed, Lower Campus Administrator. The school provide a very welcoming atmosphere and the Spirit of God was present the entire week. It was 2017 B.C.O.E. where another inspiring event was added.
The conference had its first Gospel Concert. Many local artists performed and blessed us with a great time of worship. We were blessed by Minister Lee Walker Jr., Vanica Young, Bishop Raymond Thomas & New Vision Male Chorus, Bishop Thomas of Atlanta, GA. And Frando Mack. The Lord added others great preachers with the assignment of evangelism. There were men with a passion for soul winning like, Rev. Dr. Allen Brown, Rev. Dr. G. W.C. Richardson (State Convention Evangelism Coordinator), Rev. Dr. James Owens. Our outreach teams were able to witness to a complete public housing and historical community where many accepted Christ into their lives. There were two twin brothers, who were running away from the violence in Selma, Alabama. The truth of the matter was, they really were running toward Christ. Thank you Lord! The Fund Raising Banquet was an evening to remember at the Alabama R.S.A. Activity Center, where we dined delectably, and a power Word was preached by Rev. Dr. Gregory A. Sutton of Atlanta, Georgia. The 2017 B.C.O.E. Youth Explosion was explosive. The morning begins with Mrs. Barbara Mays of Montgomery, Alabama teaching the youth on, “Speaking with Confidence.” Rev. Larry D. Williams caught the youth undivided attention with a picture of his’ late son, Julius James Williams, United States Army, dead in a casket as a result of “Choosing the Wrong Friends .” Praise leader Ronnie Henderson was dynamic with the young people, reminding them that there is no shame in worshiping and praising God! After a great lunch, the youth were blessed by Christian Rapper, Sean Patterson a.k.a. Supa Natural. Then there was the inspirited talk about “Life Decisions,” presented by Mr. Deejaahtte Brown. A basketball competition was offered to anyone who desired to participate. Finally, General Chairman Rev. Dr. J. Edward Wilkins presented the gospel, and an opportunity to give their lives to Christ as Lord and Savior!
The 2018 B.C.O.E. Conference was held in Jacksonville, Florida, June 4th – 8th, 2018 at Edward Waters College, a Historical Black College, established in the 1866, where Mr. Nathaniel Glover served as President. The activities open with a Gospel Musial Concert. Rev. Larry D. Williams and Rev. Frank Babies were the presiding M.C.s We were blessed by Eliza Wilkins & Family, Montgomery, Alabama; Elder Willie Thomas, Atlanta, Georgia; Ronnie Henderson, Montgomery, Alabama; Mt. Olive Primitive Baptist Praise Team, Jacksonville, Florida, and Nationally and Internationally known artist Troy Sneed, Jacksonville, Florida. We were blessed again with other great preachers with the assignment of evangelism. There were men with a passion for soul winning like, Rev. James Fisher and Rev. Matthew Quarterman of St. Joseph Missionary Baptist Church, Jacksonville, FL.; Elder Edward Dawkins and Elder Lee Harris of Mt. Olive Primitive Baptist Church, Jacksonville, FL.; Rev. Dr. Robert LeCount, Disciples of Christ Christian Missionary Baptist Church, he also was the President of the Baptist Ministers
Conference of Jacksonville, Florida; Rev. Aaron Flagg Jr. of Emmanuel Missionary Baptist Church, Jacksonville, Florida and Vice-President; Rev. David Middlebrooks, Sr. of United Missionary Baptist Church, Jacksonville, Florida; Dr. Meriland Dillard, M.D. of Atlanta, Georgia, and Settle, WA. We were blessed with the music ministry of Min. Linda B. Brown of Jacksonville, Florida. The 2018 B.C.O.E. Youth Explosion was a blessing. Although, a Tornado was forecasted in the Jacksonville area, those youth that came through the storm were elevated to a new level in their commitment to Christ! The youth enjoyed a night of faith, food, fun, and praise! Young Artist William Levant blessed the youth with his unique singing, even with the deep sorrow of the death of a love one a few days earlier that week!
The Board members who were able to witness this great moving of God were Rev. Dr. J. Edward (Brenda) Wilkins, Rev. Willie Renfroe, Rev. Richard White, Rev. Frank Babies, Rev. Jerome Council, Rev. Larry D. Williams, Rev. Matthew Quarterman, Elder Lee Harris, Deacon Bobby (Carol) Washington, Sister Shirley Wheat, Sister Karen Wilkins-Adams, Sister Andresia W. Johnson, and Sister Leandra N. Johnson. We were blessed to witness 19 commitments to Christ in the city of Jacksonville, Florida. Heaven rejoiced and we were honor to bring glory to our wonderful Savior and God!